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Hello, my name is Brittany Cohen. I am a Special Education Teacher at an alternative school in the Germantown area of Philadelphia. I teach reading and writing to emotionally at-risk youth. I have the most brilliant, silly, resilient students in the world, and I absolutely adore being a teacher. When I am not teaching, I spend my time writing poetry, playing music, performing at open mic nights, and engaging in mindfulness meditations.

Website : www.instagram.com/imafraidivecaughtpoetry/

Aprendiendo con los verbos desactiv ...

Mientras me siento aquí en otra mañana tranquila de lunes...

Published in - Perspectivas

Un ladrillo en el camino: 10 consej ...

Al tener una fuerte conexión espiritual con el Mago de...

Published in - Perspectivas

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