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Wendy is an experienced, passionate educator with a great sense of humor! Wendy has a Bachelor’s degree in History and Education and has a Master’s Degree in Education. Wendy has twenty years of experience in international school leadership and over twenty-seven years of experience in education; she has worked in international schools in Mexico, Serbia, and Panama. In 2005, Wendy was recognized for her dedication and commitment as a school leader when she was the recipient of the National Distinguished Principal’s awarded for the Office of Overseas Schools. Wendy is well versed in the International Baccalaureate program, American curricula, and school accreditation processes. Wendy is known throughout the international community as a leader and a presenter, presenting at conferences in the United States and regional international school conferences. Wendy believes that schools should be led with laughter and empathy if they are to transform into places where great learning takes place.

Website : www.wendymcarthur.work.

Descanso y recuperación: un elemen ...

El bienestar en nuestras escuelas se ha convertido en un...

Published in - Perspectivas

¿Educador o emprendedor? ¡Abrir u ...

Nunca fui una de esas personas que crecieron sabiendo que...

Published in - Perspectivas

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