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Archivo de la etiqueta: españa

What the virus has taught me about leading in confinement is the same thing it taught me about living in confinement: take risks, depend on each other, do what feels right, nourish any success, and clap endlessly to celebrate it.
Lo que el virus me ha enseñado sobre liderar el encierro es lo mismo que me enseñó sobre vivir en…
I remember feeling discouraged because the estimated costs were high, but I thought, “if I’ve made it this far, I can find a way to study abroad.”
Recuerdo sentirme desanimada porque los costos estimados eran altos, pero pensé, “si he llegado hasta aquí, puedo encontrar una manera…
The kids were young explorers, and we were always trying something new. Here we are in front of the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue.
Los niños eran jóvenes exploradores, y siempre estábamos intentando algo nuevo. Aquí estamos frente a la icónica estatua del Cristo…

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