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Tag Archives: coaching

Women not only belong in school leadership; they may be instrumental in transforming the leadership landscape in ways that will help all students and whole school communities thrive.
Women not only belong in school leadership; they may be instrumental in transforming the leadership landscape in ways that will…
At the first team meeting of the season, Coach Cori Lee introduced the 10 core values she thinks were important for her team's success this year.
At the first team meeting of the season, Coach Cori Lee introduced the 10 core values she thinks were important…
I was in the same school district, West Valley Yakima, Washington, for a total of 34 years including substituting and coached for 36 years in four different districts.
I was in the same school district, West Valley Yakima, Washington, for a total of 34 years including substituting and…
When teaching students multiplication tables, is it better to emphasize speed or accuracy?

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